Health Kinesiology

Health Kinesiology

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Also known as Bio Energetics - Kinesiology uses “muscle testing” to access information from the subconscious mind. This highly trained skill enables the therapist to hone in on what is needed to restore optimum well being for each person.

“Muscle testing” uses the body’s own ability to identify short circuits when the muscle weakens and can therefore guide the session in what is necessary to strengthen the circuits and restore a smooth energy flow.
It’s almost like resetting the fuse box!

Health Kinesiology uses many tools such as magnets, crystals, thoughts, colour, touch, essences, patterns, and even smell to restore these circuits. The Kinesiologist does not decide the course of treatment but simply reads the muscle and asks the questions. It is the client who provides the information for the change in energy. Once the client decides the technique, the Kinesiologist holds acupressure points to restore the circuit. Kinesiology is a bespoke system in so much as the answers come from the subconscious mind of the client and that is what allows the treatment to succeed.

As individuals we are all different and we perceive things uniquely so Kinesiology works at that unique level.

Kinesiology is not a prescription therapy where someone comes to treat a physical or emotional problem through a set routine. The Kinesiologist is a translator using muscle testing as the language. Each session is unique even for the same person.

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